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SID’s Contribution to the Provincial Level of Consultative Planning Meeting 2024

The Government of West  Nusa Tenggara recently organized the provincial level of consultative planning meeting 2024 (Musrenbang Provinsi NTB 2024) in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara), and Summit Institute for Development was invited to present recommendations.

Taking place on 24-26 April, this event attended by various representatives of government agencies, both central and local, as well as representatives from the private sector and civil society, aimed to discuss the implementation of a new policy or program, and heard some key inputs and celebrated the achievements. 

Opening Ceremony by Sasak Traditional Music of Gedang Beleq

Opening Speech by Governor of NTB

Announcing the key priorities, the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government in 2025 focuses on four areas, which are industrialization, public welfare, Bureaucratic Reform, and sustainable Development. These four priorities are likely to shape the province's budget and policies in the coming year. They reflect the government's commitment to creating a prosperous and sustainable future for all residents of West Nusa Tenggara. Also in the opening, the Governor o conveyed the Golden NTB Vision 2045 in order to support the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045, namely Advanced Economy, Strong People, Sustainable Development, and Prosperous Regions.

Panel Discussion with Bappeda NTB

The Technocratic RPJMD 2025-2029 aims to transform the region by improving the quality of life for its citizens, fostering economic growth and diversification, and enhancing governance effectiveness. In the Social Transformation, the provincial government aims at enhancing quality of life through health and education by establishing family Posyandu services and implementing compulsory 13-year education. While for Economic Transformation, the focus is to increase Regional Productivity through the Development of Economic Growth Centers, enhance the productivity of non-mining economic sectors, and developing international tourism, and fostering the creative economy. Lastly, the government aims to conduct Governance Transformation by achieving fiscal independence for local governments. 

Summit Institute for Development (SID) was invited to participate in the MUSRENBANG 2024, represented by Weneng Sandewa, Liaison Officer. Bringing a wealth of experience conducting a large scale randomized controlled trial, as well as advancing public health through bringing improvement in healthcare system and increasing capacity building of front line health workers, SID highlighted key contributions to succeed in the priority areas, including the importance of investing in human resource development, establishing an integrated healthcare system, enhancing the quality of Posyandu cadres, and fostering collaboration between NGOs, Bappeda, and BRIDA.  

Private Discussion of Bappeda NTB and Kabupaten

Additionally, the importance of investing in human resource development by proposing training programs for Posyandu cadres, spread certified Posyandu cadres in every RT/RW. SID emphasized the need for an integrated healthcare system and offered expertise in data collection and analysis for public health monitoring. 

Other key points that were discussed in the Consultative Planning Meeting are: 

  • Investing in human resource development is crucial for building a prosperous Indonesia.

  • Establishing an integrated healthcare system is essential for monitoring public health and disseminating health information.

  • Enhancing the quality of Posyandu cadres is critical for effective community healthcare delivery.

  • Fostering collaboration between NGOs, Bappeda, and BRIDA can promote research-driven healthcare policies.

Looking ahead, SID remains committed to supporting West Nusa Tenggara's development goals outlined in the Technocratic RPJMD 2025-2029. Through our expertise and collaborative approach, we believe we can contribute significantly to improving the quality of life for West Nusa Tenggara residents, including Indonesian people, and fostering a prosperous and sustainable future for the province. 

Summit Institute for Development looks forward to continuing its work in collaboration with the West Nusa Tenggara government to improve public health outcomes for the province's residents.

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